Become a Member to get discounts, special access, and member perks! With your membership, you're not just supporting art and land conservation—you're joining a community that celebrates creativity and the beauty of nature.
membership benefits for all levels:
$30 College Student, Artist, Military, Senior Level (60+)
One adult
$40 Individual Level
One adult
$75 Individual + Guest OR Dual OR Individual + Children
One adult plus a guest; Two adults in the same household; or One adult and children up to age 18 in the household
$90 Family Level
Two adults and Children up to age 18 in the same household
$250 Supporter Level
All of the benefits of Family membership, plus NARM reciprocal privileges.
10% discount on purchases at Completely Kentucky, JSP’s Community Partner Gift Shop
$500 Sustainer Level
All of the benefits of Supporter Level, plus the opportunity to schedule one 1 hour guided private walking or golf cart tour for up to four people, based on availability. Plus, recognition in the annual community impact report.
$1,000 Friends Circle
All of the benefits of Sustainer Level, plus exclusive access to visiting artists, studios, and private collections
Membership benefits are valid for one year from the month of purchase. All membership donations are completely tax-deductible as allowed by law.
We respectfully acknowledge that Josephine Sculpture Park exists on the traditional land of the Shawnee, Osage, Cherokee, Yuchi, Adena and Hopewell Peoples.
Copyright © 2025 · All Rights Reserved ·
Josephine Sculpture Park Designed and developed by
Cultivate Creative.