Field Trips

Schedule a field trip for your students at JSP

Lunch Stop & Outdoor Exploration

JSP is located off of Highway 127 and minutes from I-64. We are the perfect lunch or break spot for your group. Students can enjoy lunch at our outdoor tables or on The Porch Project: Take it to the Bridge by Heather Hart, enjoy free play in nature, and explore the Park.

Self-Guided Tour

Print a park map or activity sheet below - or see what you can discover on your own!


Bring your own spray paint, paint pens, or permanent markers and make your mark on this sculpture created by JSP 2018 Artist in Residence Peyton Scott Russell.

Meet up at The Porch Project: Take it to the Bridge

This sculpture by 2019 Artist in Residence Heather Hart features five, five-sided picnic tables on shaded, elevated platforms. It is perfect for your next community meeting, family picnic, informal performance, craft meet-up, and more! An ADA accessible bridge from the main parking lot to the heart of the sculpture makes it a convenient and accessible place to meet up to converse, create and connect. The sculpture can seat up to 25 people. The bridge leads to the one wheelchair-accessibly table; the remaining four tables are accessed via stairs. JSP does not manage reservations for use of the sculpture; it is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. JSP invites the community to make the space their own. Learn more.

JSP Staff-Guided Field Trips

We offer arts and environmental education experiences that we can align with Kentucky’s Academic Standards (Science, Arts and Humanities, Language Arts, and Math).  Enjoy a guided tour or customized activity with our incredible staff and artists in residence.


JSP staff can guide students through the park with a focus on your interest, such as contemporary sculpture or land stewardship. Explore our tour options here.

  • Length: 45 minutes to 1 hour
  • Cost: $200 (for groups of 20-30 students) or $10 per person (for groups of 5-20 students) / A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure the date. In case of inclement weather, rescheduling is available.
  • Please contact us to schedule your tour at least 2 weeks before your visit.


JSP staff and artists in residence can facilitate a customized arts, nature, or service learning activity with your students during your field trip.

  • Length: 1 to 2 hours (customizable)
  • Cost: To be determined based on the materials, length, number of students, and your budget / A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure the date. In case of inclement weather, rescheduling is available.
  • Please contact us to coordinate your activity at least 1 month before your visit.
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